It's not Creeping!

See the experience through your users eyes.

Recordings are playbacks of users scrolling, moving,
u-turning, and rage clicking on your site.

No credit card required, cancel any time

See our Screen Recordings in action.

See how it works by getting the Basic Plan and try all our features!

Map your users Experience.

From landing until exit you can experience your website trough your users eyes. Improve based on how your users Navigate.

Watch how users react to changes.

Did you just make an update to your website? Watch how users react to it, improve it make it enjoyable.

Compare your Releases.

Upload your custom data to filter recordings by churning customers or big spenders. You can see in real time how they act so you can improve.

Spot problems, bottlenecks, bugs, issues.

Filter down recordings of rage clicking users and see where you can make the experience better for them.

Determine if your changes worked.

Wondering if users are really engaging with your latest update? Recordings will show you if it’s capturing attention or getting ignored.

Stop the Guessing.

Determine how to improve your product. Get reliable data from real users to prioritize what you develop.

Spot the issues not seen before.

Find the issues that QA misses, whether it’s buttons that can’t be clicked or content that won't load.

Get started with Recordings.

The world's most popular Recording feature. You can make a real difference with your customer experience.


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